Key Notes

The Phoenix in you
How do you discover your own hidden mental survival instinct? Or how do you help others to find theirs? We are facing challenging times, and are pressured to increase or skill set to be able to continue the rat race. We are told to re-invent ourselves to keep up with the current pace. However, what if the insights are not available on the outside, but we need to self-analyze to check what kind of mental force lays within us to be able to find more balance in daily life. Nele guides you in this Key Note to find the way to accelerate based on your own strengths that need to be reveiled. We need to be able to slow down before accelerating. The context around you needs to be re-created in such a fashion to be able to excell in your own way. An inspiring story for ambitious professionals.

Key Note Mental Health voor de HR professional
Mental Health improvement is at the top list of challenges for HR Business partners and directors worldwide. But how well are they informed about mental health other than burn-out and chronic stress? Nele helps every HR professional to have a profound introduction into mental health issues and what can be out of order in individuals at the work settings. The signals to look out for are different per condition and too much emphasis is given to burn-out neglecting all other disorders. Nele helps the HR professional to work with the most common complaints. Beside this practical approach with individuals, Nele talks about the creation of ecosystems to be able to refer when curation is needed and which actors to include. It is important to thrive with these actors towards an effective curation and re-integration to achieve company goals.